Open Access Article
International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2021; 1: (1) ; 13-15 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijog.20210005.
Attach importance to medical safety in obstetrics and gynecology, properly handle medical disputes
陈俊 *
青海大学 青海西宁
陈俊,单位:青海大学 青海西宁;
发布时间: 2021-09-07 总浏览量: 882
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目的 了解妇产科医疗纠纷事件的诱发原因,从医疗安全的角度,分析医疗纠纷事件妥善处理的重要性。方法 本次研究的开展,需要在我院妇产科患者的参与下进行,以随机选择的方式,共选定患者人数76例,于2020年2月-2021年2月期间被我院收治。查阅所有妇产科患者的临床护理资料,从中挑选出所发生的医疗纠纷事件,通过分析前后经过,了解原因,后期有针对性的疾病避免。结果 在妇产科医疗纠纷原因分析中,护理人员因素占比最高,其次为产妇及家属问题的出现、医院设施因素、管理因素,极少一部分原因是由于环境因素所导致。结论 基于妇产科医疗纠纷造成的一些严重后果,医院需加强对这方面的预防与处理,在明确诱发因素的情况下,采取有效应对措施,将妇产科医疗纠纷事件的发生率降至最低。
关键词: 妇产科;医疗纠纷;原因;重要性
Objective: To understand the causes of medical disputes in obstetrics and gynecology, and analyze the importance of proper handling of medical disputes from the perspective of medical safety. Methods: The development of this study needs to be carried out with the participation of patients from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in our hospital. A total of 76 patients were selected by random selection, and they were admitted to our hospital from February 2020 to February 2021. Check the clinical nursing data of all obstetrics and gynecology patients, select out the medical disputes that occurred, analyze the before and after, understand the reasons, and avoid targeted diseases in the later period. Results: In the analysis of the causes of medical disputes in obstetrics and gynecology, nursing staff accounted for the highest proportion, followed by the emergence of maternal and family problems, hospital facility factors, and management factors. Very few reasons were caused by environmental factors. Conclusion : Based on some serious consequences caused by medical disputes in obstetrics and gynecology, hospitals need to strengthen the prevention and treatment of this aspect, and take effective measures to reduce the incidence of medical disputes in obstetrics and gynecology. lowest.
Key words: Obstetrics and Gynecology; Medical Disputes; Reasons; Importance
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