



Open Access Article

International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024; 4: (1) ; 27-35 ; DOI: 10.12208/j.ijog.20240008.

Analysis of the causes of infertility and review of modern treatment strategies

作者: 李娜 *

大理大学 云南大理

*通讯作者: 李娜,单位:大理大学 云南大理;

发布时间: 2024-04-24 总浏览量: 235



关键词: 不孕症;病因分析;治疗策略


Infertility is a major health problem in today's society. Its causes are complex and diverse, and treatment strategies are also changing with each passing day. This article aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the causes of infertility and review the progress of modern treatment strategies. In recent years, with the continuous advancement of medical technology, significant progress has been made in the diagnosis and treatment strategies of the causes of infertility. By comprehensively using laboratory examinations, imaging examinations, genetic diagnosis and genetic testing technology, doctors can more accurately determine the cause of infertility and develop personalized treatment plans for patients. At the same time, the continuous innovation of treatment methods such as drug treatment, surgical treatment, and assisted reproductive technology has also brought more treatment options and hope to infertility patients. The treatment of infertility needs to comprehensively consider factors such as the patient's age, cause, reproductive needs, and financial status. Therefore, interdisciplinary cooperation and the development of comprehensive treatment plans are particularly important. By integrating knowledge and technology from different disciplines, patients can be provided with more comprehensive and personalized treatment services. In addition, psychological intervention and lifestyle adjustment are also important links in infertility treatment, which can help patients relieve psychological stress and improve treatment effects. Through in-depth analysis of the etiology and pathogenesis of infertility, combined with the innovation and progress of modern treatment strategies, we can provide patients with more precise and effective treatment services to help them realize their fertility wishes and improve their quality of life.

Key words: Infertility; Etiology analysis; Treatment strategy

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